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Books by Kellie R. Emery

  • The Black Cloud Blues

    Are you sad and feeling blue?
    Do you have a black cloud
    following you? I know I do!

    I don’t like this cloud one bit.
    Come along with me as
    I try to get rid of it.

    Ironically, The Black Cloud Blues is a fun way to introduce kids to the concept of depression, and asking for help for not just physical problems, but also mental ones.



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  • Teddy Rex: Secret Veggiesaurus

    Meet Teddy, a ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex. Well . . . maybe not so ferocious. Teddy has a BIG juicy secret that he hides from his family. Teddy’s family likes to eat meat. But Teddy is different. Very different.But in the end, Teddy overcomes and his secret is revealed.


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  • The Straight and Narrows

    Everybody wants to fit in. What if you don’t?
    Wide and Curly was born into a
    family of Straight and Narrows.
    She couldn’t, wouldn’t, didn’t fit.

    Come along with the Straight and Narrows
    as they learn in their stick-y situation what
    it means to be family and the measures
    they will go through to find acceptance.


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Kellie R. Emery is a graphic designer and illustrator of four books. She has an obsession with shiny lights and loves to paint on both faces and canvases. One day, Kellie plans on moving to Ireland with her polar bear friend, Toulouse, where they will make cookies and cheesecakes.