New Releases
A New Year and a Fond Farewell
Things are changing here at Koehler Books. After more than a dozen years, our beloved executive editor, Joe Coccaro, is retiring and stepping into a more leisurely role as editor at large. Joe has been at John Koehler’s side since the beginning. They built this house...
New Releases—December 2024
Matthew Nix, age twenty, yearns to grow Nix Welding, even though his grandfather, father, and aunt are content with the way things are. Small. Status quo. Good enough. In 1902 in tiny Poseyville, Indiana, Matthew’s grea-great-grandfather opened the blacksmith shop...
Koehler Books And Editor Greg Fields Win Two BREW Awards
Greg's book, The Bright Freight of Memory and Publisher, Koehler Books have been honored in the 2024 BREW Fiction Book Excellence Awards: Overall Book of the Year & Literary Fiction of the Year Publisher of the Year - Koehler Books In the end I believe our...
An Interview with Angie Klink
Angie Klink writes compelling stories of Americana and the hero’s journey. An author of twelve creative nonfiction books set in the heartland, Klink is a historian, biographer, essayist, scriptwriter, and copywriter with sixty-one American Advertising...
New Releases—November 2024
Famous Wall Street billionaire Emil Scordato hears a US congressman tell reporters after the funeral Mass for a student murdered in a school shooting: “What’s the difference between a cyanide pill and an assault weapon? You can’t get your hands on a cyanide pill.”...
Featured Author
Angie Klink
Author of Forging Ahead
Q: What is your favorite part of the work, process, or aftermath of publishing your book?
A: My favorite part of the process is telling a compelling, true story, writing in such a way that a topic that may sound mundane on the surface instead reads with heart and intrigue. I enjoy creative nonfiction because it is using the literary tools of fiction to write a true story.
We publish two ways.
Traditional Publishing
- This option is normally only for seasoned writers (with or without an agent) with superb work and a verifiable track record of sales and marketing success. The term traditional means that the author will not pay for any development costs or fees, and will typically be offered an advance payment on royalties.
Hybrid Publishing
- This option is best for emerging writers with high-quality work desiring a professional-level publishing experience. Writers accepted into our Emerging Author Program are positioned to land a traditional deal on subsequent books. Those best suited for this program are motivated and collaborative, and receive the same level of editing, creative development and marketing as our traditional authors.
Meet your publisher.
John Köehler and Joe Coccaro talk about their passion—helping authors achieve their dreams.
Here’s our gift to you.
Pocket Guide to Publishing: 100 Things Authors Should Know
“A clever and candid look under the hood of today’s publishing vehicle.” Ooh, I need this!
“I wish Pocket Guide had been available when I started out.” “A real no nonsense guide for authors that cuts to the chase about publishing.”