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Our Cover Polls

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  • Failure Point

    by Doug Williams

    Is it possible to really know your spouse? Nick Faulkner is about to find out . . . if he can stay alive. Nick—a former FBI star whose career mysteriously tanked, returns home one day to find that his wife Lexi has walked out on him and simply vanished. Then, he discovers she’s part of a cult-like church. He doesn’t believe for a second she’s suddenly found religion but is convinced she’s been kidnapped. Nick recruits a band of similarly disgraced ex-agents to help him spring her from the cult’s heavily armed compound. He doesn’t know that powerful forces high in the US government and intelligence services are working to make sure that doesn’t happen. And that they’ll stop at nothing to prevent him from exposing the secrets lurking beyond the church gates. Including murder. As Nick works his way through the shadows of Lexi’s life and tries to sort out the hidden truth behind her disappearance, he tumbles into a sprawling web of deceit and lies thick with betrayal and shifting loyalties, where nothing is as it seems. His quest will bring him face-to-face with enemies foreign and domestic, including traitors, social media “truth tellers,” Russian spies, and well-armed mercenaries. And he’ll have to survive a vast conspiracy determined to keep him from learning the stunning truth about who Lexi really is. Or, perhaps even more shocking, who she isn’t.

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  • Drop Me Around the Corner

    by Tracy Bouvier

    Imagine life is like a sitcom starring your eccentric, single father who can never get enough attention. His physical appearance turns people's heads. He wears a cheesy toupee and walks around the house naked. He has a handlebar mustache and sideburns dyed jet black, and he shows off his tanned, muscular physique by leaving his shirt unbuttoned down to his navel wherever he goes. His appearance and his off-colored jokes draw attention, but it’s his van that’s the real embarrassment in your life as a teen and young adult.  The van is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. It’s covered in brass ornaments and silver dollars, and it shines like gold, attracting stares and even media coverage. Even Vegas casinos covet having it parked at their entrances for patrons to ogle.  Tracy shares what it was like being raised by her ostentatious but loving father.  As she is left unsupervised and has to fend for herself in a series of life-threatening situations, life becomes an even more wild ride, where she is taken down a road we never expected. 

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  • The Summer Before

    by Dianne C. Braley

    If someone you love was assaulted, abused, or was a victim of a crime --- you are a secondary victim. If the perpetrator is also someone you love, there are no words. Madeline and Summer are more than best friends. They might as well be sisters; they've claimed the title, anyway—and sisters tell each other everything. But Summer has a secret she's been hiding for years. Someone's been hurting her, someone close, and when it comes out, it destroys everything around her with the force of dying stars. Six years after the trial, Madeline is a haunted young woman trying to build a new life in Boston, but the guilt of her betrayal when her friend needed her most—brings her to the brink of suicide. Madeline embarks on a journey to heal from the damage caused by Summer's secret and both her and her mother's terrible response. To let go of the past, Madeline must confront her father, mother, and all those involved with the trial that split her family apart—or continue her descent, finishing what she started to escape it.

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  • The Forager Chefs Club

    by Rita Mace Walston

    Celeste Harp knows what they say about her and her free-spirited, hippie mother. She also knows no one on Mackinac Island can forage field and forest better than she can, creating meals that are talked about for months. But after two years, she’s still relegated to mundane duties in the kitchen of the prestigious hotel where she works. All that could change when she receives an invitation to a year-long cooking competition hosted by the enigmatic Forager Chefs Club. But after arriving at the Club and meeting her four competitors, Celeste realizes that her biggest competition may be her own self-doubt, even as she builds new relationships and discovers the underlying motivations—and secrets—the others are trying to hide. Filled with heart and sprinkled throughout with foraging and cooking tips, The Forager Chefs Club shows that where food comes from matters, and what comes out of the kitchen can feed more than just the body. From pristine forests and waterways to suburban backyards and reclaimed urban lots, The Forager Chefs Club celebrates nature’s bounty all around and the human spirit within.

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  • The Bright Freight of Memory

    by Greg Fields

    “The years since have proven that, as if we needed proof of our failings and our flaws. They live within us and we cannot escape, no matter how hard we gloss them over or decorate them with glitter and streamers. In the end I believe our faults define us more than our virtues. Shakespeare’s greatest plays, the tragedies, revolved around their heroes’ flaws rather than their glories.” Matthew Cooney and Donal Mannion shared their time as boys in a rundown neighborhood, without fathers, without comfort, without a sense of tomorrow, then went their separate ways, one to chase the trappings of maturity, the other to the streets. Their days shrouded in boredom, their nights filled with the thrill of the chase, each sought his place and his purpose. Within their struggles are the challenges of escape, of outrunning the roll of the dice that placed them where they are, and, in the end, of defining what it means to be alive, to constantly strive for the things that are just out of reach.

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  • The Penniman Menagerie

    by Winona Howe

    The Penniman Menagerie is ostensibly the tale of a defunct zoo being rebuilt in late-nineteenth-century England—but it is really the story of the disparate group of individuals who come to live and work there: the wealthy owner who sees its renaissance as a tribute to her deceased husband, the man who fears that his sickly son will die of tuberculosis like his wife, the woman who can calm terrified animals by the touch of her hands but can’t always connect with her daughter, the young man who has broken away from his strict religious upbringing, the amateur historian who is quick with his fists, and the abandoned child whose only skill is that of survival—to name a few. These onetime strangers will work together, fight for the menagerie, and encounter unforeseen adventures. Confronting themes of isolation, independence, maturation, racism, overcoming insecurity, and the importance of affirmation and belonging, The Penniman Menagerie illuminates the vital importance of family, whether it is the family one is born into or the family one is lucky enough to find.

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  • Beyond Belief: Unexpected Biblical Wisdom from a Former Jesuit, Teacher, and Fisher of Men

    by Jan Wojcik

    We read the stories of the Three Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood without believing wolves talk. Or Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey without thinking short-tempered gods actually stir up sea storms. Just as pleasurably, and provocatively, we can read the Hebrew Bible and New Testament Gospels—also filled with sky gods, heavenly messengers, and a storytelling magician with profound words about life and death—without needing to believe they were real. Jan Wojcik devoted himself to God at a young age, eventually becoming a Jesuit seminarian. But as he progressed through his education, he began to view the Bible differently than his peers. He began to see it as a work of art. And he began to see organized religion as wanting to suppress that art for the purposes of lucrative thought control. He grew a desire to find meaning in the comparison of unlike things, squeezing a definitive out of what is naturally a jumble—like reading the Bible as a piece of literature. Jan spent a third of his lifetime getting under and then throwing off the heavy cloak of religious control by reading the bible as literature. While living to be eighty—and counting—under gospel guidance, he has found the beauty and joy of loving women and working the earth, stargazing, and fishing as Jesus instructed his disciples to do. He learned to lead a godly life that goes beyond belief.

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  • The Treasure of Tundavala Gap

    by Jeffrey K Schmoll

    When shy PhD student Mateus learns of a treasure hidden by his late grandfather in war-torn Angola, he teams up with his best friend, Tay, to follow cryptic clues to the prize. Little do they know, they aren’t the only ones on the hunt. A ruthless crime syndicate will stop at nothing to beat them to their destination. Dodging danger at every turn, the two friends race to find the treasure first. Along the way, they meet Romiana, an Angolan guide who risks it all to help them. Will Mateus find the courage and cunning needed to uncover his grandfather’s legacy? Or will he lose it all? The Treasure of Tundavala Gap is an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride perfect for fans of adventure stories, treasure hunts, and against-all-odds friendships.

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  • Here There Is No Why

    by Philip Graubart

    Did Chaim Lerner, acclaimed Israeli author and Holocaust survivor, kill himself in 1983, thirty-eight years after surviving Auschwitz? If so, was it traumatic memories finally catching up to him? Or despair over Holocaust denialism? Or ordinary, difficult health issues—an aching hip, a damaged knee? Or simply a deadly episode of depression? Or, was it murder? In 2005, Judah Loeb, Lerner’s former student and now a struggling American journalist and single father, travels to Jerusalem to investigate Lerner’s death. He drags along his fifteen-year-old daughter Hannah, and they team up with Charlie, Judah’s former Hebrew University roommate, now a Jerusalem homicide detective. Their investigation takes them through the darker corners of the Israeli psyche, where they uncover secrets that threaten to destroy Lerner’s reputation and alter Jewish history. While probing the mysteries of Israel’s past, they encounter personal betrayal, heartbreak, and the fragile possibilities of forgiveness and redemption.

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  • Rooted in Sunrise

    by Beth Dotson Brown

    Ava Winston likes her life of routine in Lexington, Kentucky. Each day, she goes to the place she’s worked for twenty years, then returns home. On Sundays, she has dinner with her daughter, Juniper. It’s a little boring, but as Ava nears fifty-five, she deserves a bit of ease. Then a tornado blows it away. Ava is safe in the basement, but when she emerges, only one corner of her home stands. Rather than crumbling under the loss, she feels a load lifted. Maybe something beyond the familiar is calling to her. Ava seizes the opportunity to find the owner of a suitcase that landed on her lawn during the storm. Meanwhile, Juniper urges her to rebuild, Ava’s employer doesn’t want her to quit, and her ex-husband invites her back into his life. Ava must be courageous if she’s to assist two friends suffering in the tornado’s aftermath and balance what’s best for herself and for the people she loves. Rooted in Sunrise is a story of learning to change and discovering what is most important.

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