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Ingram has been a major distributor for independent bookstores and authors for over half a century. Their mission statement promises to provide the growing community of self-publishers easy access to their professional services, and over the decades they have become known for their broad distribution and quality of printing.


One of IngramSpark’s largest publishers, Köehler Books will be included in a new Pro program selected from the thousands of small authors and publishers Ingram provides their services to. Köehler Books started working with Ingram in 2007, through Ingram’s Lightning Source® print-on-demand service, Ingram’s publisher services, and Ingram wholesale. More recently, Köehler Books has used IngramSpark, a self-service publishing model supported by a team of experienced professionals who work with Köehler to distribute, print, and market Köehler Books titles.

IngramSpark Pro provides Ingram’s more successful participants with special privileges, better rates for printing, as well as above-and-beyond customer service and support. As Köehler Books continues to grow in the community and beyond, IngramSpark Pro will provide unique advantages and enable Köehler Books to better serve their authors.