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Feel the Rock

by Lou Fabian

Feel the Rock describes living in the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, being immersed in the culture, climbing the high peaks of the Andes, and surviving deep loneliness and frustration that led to personal and spiritual growth. Being totally uncomfortable for over a year not only physically, but also mentally, spiritually, psychologically, and financially. To the utmost breaking point, where you only finally get comfortable after eating piranha for breakfast and returning on a five-hour canoe ride through the Amazon. Feel the Rock is a saying that a group of climbing friends use before attempting a rock climb. If there is a danger of inclement weather, we “feel the rock” to determine if we should proceed. Don’t make any decisions until you at least feel the rock first.  If the rock is dry, you climb! These stories may help inspire others to take the risk of touching their inner heart/soul/consciousness, their rock, to live fuller lives. Can you really make big, important life decisions without truly knowing who you are?  Without feeling the rock, your rock, first?

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