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Books by Raymond Hutson

  • Finding Sgt. Kent

    When U.S. Army sniper Robert Kent retires at the age of 36, he returns to a civilian culture filled with hostile, petty people living in a virtual world who don’t realize how fragile their lives are. As he struggles to find out where he belongs, his psychiatrist suggests he try finding out who his father really was. He succeeds, but in doing so his entire life is upended. Kent is forced to do the one thing he’d rather not: trust, and love, another human being. A turbulent and tragic, heart-warming journey of redemption.


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Receiving his MFA in creative writing from Queens College at Charlotte in 2006, Raymond Hutson has spent the last ten years of his medical practice caring for veterans in eastern Washington state. A board-certified internist with an undergraduate degree in psychology, his career as a physician has granted him a privileged view into the human condition for over thirty years. His short stories and poems have appeared in Red Fez, Cirque, Open Road Review, Whitefish Review, and the February 2018 Short Story America Anthology. His coming of age novel, Topeka, ma’shuge, won the first place Next Generation Indie Book Award for fiction in 2015. Raymond lives with his wife, Sheryl, in Spokane WA, where he writes and practices medicine.