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Books by Garry McDaniel

  • Conflict Management in Healthcare: Creating a Culture of Cooperation

    A central principle of the healthcare profession is caring for others: do no harm. Yet in healthcare settings, the level of conflict among healthcare professionals and administrators is rampant. As a result, patient care suffers, and poor communication, bullying, hazing, harassment, and incivility is often widespread and tolerated in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and clinics across the world. Conflict Management in Healthcare: Creating a Culture of Cooperation explains how to create an organizational culture and develop the interpersonal skills to turn everyday conflict into opportunities for enhancing interpersonal, team, and organizational relationships and patient care.


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Garry McDaniel is an award-winning professor of leadership and human resource management and author of five books on the topics of leadership and strategy, mediating conflict, coaching and team-building, and life balance. His book The Dog's Guide to Your Happiness was selected as one of the top ten books to read in 2017 by Live Happy magazine. His articles have been published in the Academy of Business Research, The Journal of Business and Technology, and Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams. Garry led the global leadership and succession-planning programs for a global technology giant, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops domestically as well in Europe, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, and Kazakhstan. He is an executive board member for the International Coaches Union and provides consultation and training to organizations on conflict management, creating a culture of coaching, and leadership development.