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Books by Brad Gates

  • Two Good Men

    When the tragic deaths of two fathers occur in early 1952, the surviving family members are brought together by the vision and love of retired Marine Pappy Smith, who is grandfather to one fatherless son and mentor to the other. After high school, the boys set off for college together, but a deceitful coach reignites the boys’ desire to join the United States Marine Corps.

    Stationed in California in the mid-1960s, the young Marines meet two beautiful cousins and quickly fall in love. Soon the foursome are learning to navigate and overcome the challenges of Vietnam, college degrees, marriage, and children. Two Good Men is a story about service and love, and about the lives of the men and women who give their all for their country.

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Bradley Mason Gates is a retired Marine Corps lieutenant colonel. He has a BS in education and a MPA in public administration. During his career Brad participated in Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, and later commanded the Marine Corps artillery force in Beirut, Lebanon. In 1985 Brad was presented the General John A. Lejeune Award for Inspirational Leadership. In 1987 he was the recipient of the George Washington Honor Medal from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. In 1994, Brad completed ten years of survivor interviews, along with extensive publication research, and self-published The Last Great Banzai.