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Interested in publishing a book but not sure what you’re getting into? Check out our free e-book below, Pocket Guide to Publishing: 100 Things Authors Should Know, which includes 100 golden nuggets of wisdom helpful in answering the many reoccurring questions that authors have, including:

  • How collaborative should the process be with a publisher?
  • What is a decent royalty percentage?
  • Do you need to have an attorney look at a contract before you sign?
  • What’s the difference between line and copy editing?
  • How much and what kind of marketing should an author expect to do?

Here’s our gift to you.


Pocket Guide to Publishing: 100 Things Authors Should Know

“A clever and candid look under the hood of today’s publishing vehicle.” —Shari Stauch, CEO and creator of Where Writers Win “I wish Pocket Guide had been available when I started out.” —Betsy Ashton, author of The Mad Max Mysteries, president of the Virginia Writers Club “A real no nonsense guide for authors that cuts to the chase about publishing.” —William Hazelgrove, bestselling author of The Pitcher and twelve other books Ooh, I need this!