What It’s Like to Discover Your Child Isn’t Your Biological Child
By Claire Molineaux Foster
From Coastal Virginia Magazine

“It was a Tuesday after a holiday weekend.
When I pulled the envelope from the mailbox, I felt in my gut that the news would not be good. I sat at my kitchen table and stared at the envelope in my palms. I took a deep breath and then I prayed.
I slowly opened the envelope and slowly unfolded the document. Carefully, I read the words and numbers from top to bottom. Finally, I saw it: “Probability of paternity 0%.”
I began to hyperventilate. I dropped the document on the table as I stood abruptly. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think.
I need air. This can’t be. I need air.
I dashed outside and down the stairs, still trying to catch my breath.
I need air. This can’t be. I need air. This can’t be.
My feet and legs and arms kept moving. Down the sidewalk, street scenes and sounds went unnoticed. I felt completely alone.
I need air. This can’t be. I need air.”
(Excerpt from Dear Daughter: A Dad’s Marriage Advice on Love, Pain, Healing and the Law by Wil LaVeist)
After 20-plus years of marriage and parenting, popular radio host, professor and author Wil LaVeist uncovered a family secret that dropped him and his adult daughter to their knees. A chance DNA test revealed that his “daddy’s girl” is not his biological child. LaVeist instead focused on the future, confronting the root cause that led to this tremendous pain and his daughter’s resentment as she tries to cope with the truth. “Dear Daughter” is his love letter from a dad to his daughter, and to all women who’ve had broken relationships with their fathers that often lead to reckless choices that cause great pain. In this, ironically, pro-marriage work, LaVeist weaves the advice of experts with storytelling – including his own journey ending in divorce court, revealing the damaging flaws of paternity laws. He bridges the “deadbeat dads” gap, delivering transparent provocative dialogue on love, pain, healing and the law that good dad’s share, but that many women miss when their fathers are absent or dysfunctional. “Dear Daughter” will appeal to women who are considering marriage and parenting, but also anyone who desires healthy long-term love relationships.