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Our Cover Polls

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  • From All Sides

    by Al Polson

    For the first time, "From All Sides" reveals the insider information for all job seekers and hiring managers. He explores the hiring process from the perspective of the job seeker, the hiring manager, hiring company and also the recruiter’s viewpoint. There is humor, never previously discussed insider details, actual stories of real-world issues in hiring. There is also great advice and motivational words of wisdom for the job seeker and hiring managers today. Today’s job market needs this now more than ever. "From All Sides" is intended to open up to both job seekers and hiring managers previously untold examples of what really goes on in the hiring process. There are real life stories that will both inform and educate all sides of the hiring process. When you read these vignettes, you will see why it is said repeatedly, “You Can’t Make This Up”. Included are extremely helpful lessons and suggestions on how to improve your chances of obtaining that “perfect job” or hiring that “perfect candidate”. Original motivational words of wisdom and noted quotes will offer encouragement and advice. This is a perfect insider’s guide to job seeking and hiring.

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  • A Surgeon’s Memoir: 40 Years at the County

    by Stewart K. Lazow, MD, DDS, FACS (retired)

    Sandwiched between Dr. Samuel Shem’s hilarious The House of God and Dr. Eric Manheimer’s Twelve Patients: Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital, Dr. Stewart Lazow’s A Surgeon's Memoir: 40 Years at the County takes us on the author’s convoluted journey to becoming professor, vice chairman, oral and maxillofacial surgery residency program director, and director of service at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Throughout his forty years as a doctor, Dr. Stewart Lazow witnessed countless patient encounters—some comical, some tragic, some that confirmed his faith in the human spirit—in addition to shocking resident foibles. He had his share of rewarding cases and heartbreaking failures and was utterly dismayed by a fractured, grossly inefficient healthcare delivery system. The County wasn’t for everyone. He was just a “County guy.”

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  • A Battle for Fire

    by Jake Stehman

    Growing up as an orphan in a Philadelphia group home, Chris Cho always imagined what his parents might have been like—but he never dreamed that his deceased father would leave him billions of dollars and the ability to create fire. When Chris meets up with Princess Eira, the strong-willed daughter of an ice elemental from a hidden realm, their combined powers and prowess present a serious challenge to Chaoic, a demon of darkness scheming to conquer both of their worlds. Can Chris, Eira, and their friends find the legendary fire relic once safeguarded by Chris’s father? Or will they fail to live up to their potential and fall before an ancient evil?

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  • Rise in Recovery: The Spiritual Path for Healing Addiction

    by Kimberley La Farge Berlin, LCSW

    What is spirituality, how do we find it, nurture it, and live it—and how do we apply it to healing from a soul-crushing disease? Alcohol and substance abuse disorders have baffled medical practitioners for centuries because addiction is more than a neurological or physical disorder; it is a malady that eats at the soul. Rise in Recovery: The Spiritual Path for Healing Addiction merges ancient wisdom with neuroscience and covers the powerful effects of using spiritual practices to heal the overall damages of addiction. While neuroscientists have proven that spiritual practices positively affect and heal brain areas, no book has taken this wisdom and applied it to treating addiction. Weaving together intimate first-person and client stories, Rise in Recovery takes a unique and proven approach that breaks through outdated ideas to bring a sea change in how we can achieve long-term recovery.

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  • Escape from Algiers

    by Ted Kissel

    Betrayed and wounded during the attempted rescue of an American POW in the ancient city of Algiers, Colonel Mitch Ross finds himself desperately defending his reputation, honor, and military career against a congressional investigation committee on Capitol Hill. As Mitch attempts to survive the cross-examination, members of Al Qaeda follow him to America to avenge the deaths of their comrades in the Casbah. Meanwhile, Abella is still trapped in Algiers as Al Qaeda teams slowly tighten their stranglehold on her final refuge. With escape out of the question, death becomes ever more likely, and her dream of spending her life with Mitch begins to fade like the setting sun. Can Mitch and Abella survive long enough to find each other again?

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  • Walk On

    by Stephen Panus

    Stephen Panus has been a publicist, sports agent, artist, attorney, sports marketing executive, and motivational speaker and serves as president of the Jockey Club’s America’s Best Racing brand. Yet the only title that’s ever mattered to him has been father—to his two boys, Jake and Liam. When his elder son, Jake, was tragically killed in the summer of 2020 at the tender age of sixteen, Stephen’s life imploded. He wrote Walk On to confront his daily agony, inspire a renewed faith in living, and regain purpose. Stephen and his wife, Kellie, live in Connecticut with their son, foster daughter, and three dogs.

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  • Archangels Fall

    by Andrew Bryan

    When the archangel Gabriel crashes down into a London Accident and Emergency department on a busy Saturday night, Grace’s already hellish shift turns into a living nightmare. Soon the spiritual sensitivity that has tortured her most of her life is revealed to be a unique gift passed down through generations—one that could save humanity. Meanwhile, having come to admire humanity’s resolve, the Damned and his dark angels prepare to defend the very beings they were tasked to lead astray. As archangel Michael’s minions descend to cleanse creation of humankind, its chief corruptor, the Damned must rally his reluctant compatriots, make hard choices, and choose a side, fast. Can an unlikely band of heroes and imperfect humans come together in time to find their salvation in the Lightbearer? Blending the grit of Game of Thrones with the supernatural flair of Good Omens, Andrew Bryan introduces us to a world of archangels and fallen angels that weave through human history closer to the mythology’s origins than ever before.

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  • The Unshatterables

    by Miranda Faye Dillon

    The Unshatterables is a collection of short stories following families, relationships, and those grieving after death. With a diverse series of love stories—young love, widowed love, same-sex couples, parent-child relationships, friendships, and siblings—The Unshatterables unpacks trauma, hope, and healing. Miranda Faye Dillon spotlights the many pitfalls of life—loss, heartbreak, and pain—and highlights the many grand moments—love, growth, and recovery.

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  • Scars & Strife

    by M. E. Johnson

    First Sergeant John Randall “Randy” Andrews, a gutsy Army Ranger, is a hero among his brothers in arms. But the Purple Hearts and Silver Stars he earned came at a great personal cost. Now plagued by PTSD, Randy returns home after thirteen combat tours to an emotionally distant wife and their two sons—one of them a toddler he’s never met. Struggling to piece his life together, Randy finds himself in handcuffs one day. And when the court-mandated VA counseling doesn’t help, he embarks on a trip to Mexico, trying to escape his demons. There, during an unexpected encounter in a seedy tourist bar, he finds a possible road to redemption when he forms a connection with Matilda, a mountain lion kept in a cage as a tourist attraction. Stealing Matilda from the club, Randy drives her to the US, where he is arrested and prosecuted for smuggling a dangerous animal. So begins his journey back from the brink as he rediscovers something he learned on the battlefield: that sometimes one must cross a line in order to save someone . . . perhaps even himself.

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  • Reach Out with Acts of Kindness

    by Letitia E. Hart

    "No one should ever feel alone, forgotten, or fall through the cracks, no matter what the circumstance or predicament may be.” At some point in life, everyone will face a roadblock or obstacle or will be touched by someone experiencing a challenging, tumultuous period. No one is immune to struggles, but outsiders often don’t know how to best offer comfort and support. Reach Out is a call to action for creating a culture of compassion and empathy by illuminating how to be there for others when they need it the most. This relatable resource highlights specific ways to help others in crisis as well as the aftermath. Everyone has a gift to offer, whether it is just picking up the phone to touch base, sending a card of concern, delivering a meal, mowing the grass, or other helpful acts. What is your gift?

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