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Unchartered Territory

Unchartered Territory

After the death of her daughter in the first book of the series, Maxine “Mad Max” Davies’ new role in life, full-time grandparent raising two grandchildren, takes her into post-Katrina Mississippi, nature’s newest wasteland. While she gets used to raising children again, she also learns to live in a region where most of life’s conveniences vanished in the storm and tidal surge. She must protect her grandchildren as well as help others in this new environment. Along the way, she encounters racism, murder, modern-day slavery and child abuse. (Betsy Ashton)

Pages: 344
Pub Date: 06-16-2016
Softcover: 17.95 978-163393-051-3
Ebook: 1.99 978-1-63393-052-0


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Betsy Ashton writes about her experiences mentoring women throughout her professional consulting career. She used this experience in crafting her story about Mad Max Davies. She writes feature articles for Laker Weekly, part of Roanoke Times. She is also active in many writers' groups and clubs and is the First Vice President of the Virginia Writer’s Club.

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