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The Joint Kitchen

The Joint Kitchen

Imagine a doctor doing ordinary activities in his kitchen, stopping to draw some of the everyday objects around him, like an orange and a corkscrew. Then watch him turn those drawings into advanced patents for hip and knee replacements. Dr. Michael Ries holds 45 patents, and many of his ideas came to him in the kitchen. The remarkable efficiency of the human hip and knee are described here through simple illustrations, explaining why hip and knee replacements will never be quite as perfect as the joints we were born with. Health care professionals, patients considering joint replacement, students, and inventors will find The Joint Kitchen informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking. Dr. Ries shows that a state of tranquility allows the creative and problem-solving parts of the brain to connect and form new ideas that can transform and improve lives.


Pages: 110
Pub Date: 11-20-2017
Softcover: 17.95 978-1633935327
Hardcover: 27.95 978-1633935341
Ebook: 9.99


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Dr. Michael Ries is a world renowned orthopaedic surgeon. He has presented over 600 invited lectures at regional, national, and international orthopaedic educational conferences, and published over 200 peer reviewed journal articles and 50 book chapters on topics related to total hip and knee replacement. Dr. Ries is also an inventor on 45 US patents for hip and knee replacement devices.

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