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Controller: The United Nations Inside and Out

Controller: The United Nations Inside and Out

Controller is the story of a new staff member coming to the UN Secretariat from the Soviet government service. His exploration of the new surroundings from the conference halls of the famous UN building in Manhattan to places far away from public eyes. You will travel with the author to Golan Heights, East Timor, Sierra Leone, Eritrea and other troublesome corners of the planet. You will find out what the UN does in different areas of the world. From economic assistance to international criminal justice. Told from the unique perspective of the UN’s internal auditor.


Pub Date: 10-20-2017
Softcover: 18.95 978-1633934597


The reviews are in…

Sergei Shishkin has an unusual biography. He earned his PhD in Economics from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in the former Soviet Union. He then worked as Market Analyst with the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade. Then his career took a sudden turn and he became an auditor with the Soviet Ministry of Finance. In 1982 he was selected to work for the United Nations Secretariat where his career in internal audit spanned twenty-two years. Upon retirement in 2007, he began to write on global economics and his audit experience in both Soviet government civil service and the UN. His first book, Economics for the Non-economist, was published in 2016.

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